
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

IT430 - 1st Assignment's solution

Q # 1: Solution


Session Layer is the 3rd Layer from sender side and 5th layer from the receiver side of International organization for standard’s (ISO) model. This layer instructs to create communication link between the sending and receiving machine via combination of protocols. The modes of communication are simplex, half-duplex and full-duplex.

>>> Simplex means communication in one direction only.

>>> Half-duplex means communication in two directions but one party can send data at a time.

>>> Full-duplex means communication in two directions while both parties are able to send data at the same time.

It also places special checkpoints on data packets to trace any lost packets.

Q # 2: Solution

1. Larger address space

2. Provision for extension

3. Security Features

4. 128 bit address

Question No. 3

You have four computers and a switch, you want to make a network of these computers using switch, which networking topology you will use?


If we have four computers and a switch and we want to connect these computers using the switch, then “star topology” will be used.

Note: We always try our best to upload/publish 100% correct solution but it is, therefore, requested to you, please review it before onward submission.

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