
Monday, November 16, 2009

STA301 Solution

Q No. 1 (a): In how many ways can 4 boys and 5 girls sit in a

row if every boy and girl has to sit side by side?

In order to fulfill the given condition, the seating arrangement must be as



5 girls can seat in 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 120 ways

4 boys can seat in 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 24 ways

Total number of ways in which 5 girls and 4 boys can sit fulfilling the

given condition = 120 × 24 = 2880

Q No. 1 (b): Briefly explain the terms mutually exclusive

events, exhaustive events and sample space.

Mutually Exclusive Events: Those events that cannot occur at the same


Example: When we toss the coin, we get either Heads or Tails but not both.

Exhaustive Events: Events are said to be collectively exhaustive, when the union of mutually exclusive events is the entire sample space.

Example: When we toss a coin, then Heads and Tails are collectively known as Exhaustive Events.

Sample Space: Sample Space is a set which consists of all possible outcomes resulting from a random experiment

Example: Sample Space in case of a fair die is S = {1,2,3,4,5,6}

Q No. 1 (c): A fair coin is tossed. Make a sample space and find

the probability of the followings:

I. One head appears

II. One tail appears

III. No head appears

The sample space for a toss is S = {Heads, Tails}

One head appears = . = 0.5

One tail appears = . = 0.5

No head appears = . = 0.5

Q No. 2 (a): In a simple linear regression yˆ = a + bx , interpret the

coefficients “a” and “b”.

a is called the y-intercept, and b indicates the rate of change in y with

respect to x and is formally known as the slope of the line.

Q No. 2 (b): A computer while computing the correlation

coefficient between two variables x and y from 25 pairs of

observations, obtained the following results:

n = 25 , Σx = 125 , Σx2 = 650 , Σy = 100 , Σy2 = 460 , Σxy = 508

It was, however discovered at the time of re-checking that it

had mistakenly copied down two pairs of observations as


x y

11 10

9 7

While the correct values were

x y

14 8

12 9

Now find out the correct value of correlation coefficient

between x and y.

Correct Σx = 125 – 11 – 9 + 14 + 12 = 131

Correct Σy = 100 – 10 – 7 + 8 + 9 = 100

Correct Σx2 = 650 – 112 – 92 + 142 + 122 = 788

Correct Σy2 = 460 – 102 – 72 + 82 + 92 = 456

Correct Σxy = 508 – (11 × 10) – (9 × 7) + (14 × 8) + (12 × 9) = 555

= 0.41


Hubs, switches, and routers are all devices that let you connect one or more computers to other computers, networked devices, or to other networks. Each has two or more connectors called ports into which you plug in the cables to make the connection. Varying degrees of magic happen inside the device, and therein lies the difference. I often see the terms misused so let's clarify what each one really means.

A hub is typically the least expensive, least intelligent, and least complicated of the three. Its job is very simple: anything that comes in one port is sent out to the others. That's it. Every computer connected to the hub "sees" everything that every other computer on the hub sees. The hub itself is blissfully ignorant of the data being transmitted. For years, simple hubs have been quick and easy ways to connect computers in small networks.
A switch does essentially what a hub does but more efficiently. By paying attention to the traffic that comes across it, it can "learn" where particular addresses are. For example, if it sees traffic from machine A coming in on port 2, it now knows that machine A is connected to that port and that traffic to machine A needs to only be sent to that port and not any of the others. The net result of using a switch over a hub is that most of the network traffic only goes where it needs to rather than to every port. On busy networks this can make the network significantly faster.

A router is the smartest and most complicated of the bunch. Routers come in all shapes and sizes from the small four-port broadband routers that are very popular right now to the large industrial strength devices that drive the internet itself. A simple way to think of a router is as a computer that can be programmed to understand, possibly manipulate, and route the data its being asked to handle. For example, broadband routers include the ability to "hide" computers behind a type of firewall which involves slightly modifying the packets of network traffic as they traverse the device. All routers include some kind of user interface for configuring how the router will treat traffic. The really large routers include the equivalent of a full-blown programming language to describe how they should operate as well as the ability to communicate with other routers to describe or determine the best way to get network traffic from point A to point B.

A quick note on one other thing that you'll often see mentioned with these devices and that's network speed. Most devices now are capable of both 10mps (10 mega-bits, or million bits, per second) as well as 100mbs and will automatically detect the speed. If the device is labeled with only one speed then it will only be able to communicate with devices that also support that speed. 1000mbs or "gigabit" devices are starting to slowly become more common as well. Similarly many devices now also include 802.11b or 802.11g wireless transmitters that simply act like additional ports to the device.

CS201 Solutions


using namespace std;

void sort(char array[], int length);

int main()


char firstArray[15];

char secondArray[15];

char mergedArray[30];

bool flag = false;

int i;

int mergedIndex;

cout<<"Enter into First Array\n";

fgets(firstArray, sizeof(firstArray), stdin);

cout<<"Enter into Second array\n";

fgets(secondArray, sizeof(secondArray), stdin);

// Copy the first array into the merged array

for(i = 0; firstArray[i] != '\n'; ++i)


mergedArray[i] = firstArray[i];


mergedIndex = i;

//Copy second array into merged array

for(i = 0; secondArray[i] != '\n'; ++i)


mergedArray[mergedIndex++] = secondArray[i];


mergedArray[mergedIndex] = 0;

cout<<"\nMerged : ";

for(i = 0; i<>




sort(mergedArray, mergedIndex);

cout<<"\nSorted : ";

for(i = 0; i<>







void sort(char array[], int length)


int stop = length - 1;

for (int i = 0; i <>


for (int j = 0; j <>


if (array[j] > array[j+1])


char tmp = array[j];

array[j] = array[j+1];

array[j+1] = tmp;











using namespace std;

const size_t N = 10;

const char space = ' ';

void selectionSort(char *, size_t length);

void printArray(const char *);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

string line;

string::iterator i;

size_t j, k;

char *a1 = new char[N],

*a2 = new char[N],

*merged = new char[N*2];

c << "For arrays A1 and A2, enter up to " << N << endl;

c << "characters (not counting spaces)" << endl;

c << "A1 > ";


for (i = line.begin(), j = 0; (i != line.end()) && (j < N); i++) {

if (*i != space) a1[j++] = *i;


c << "A2 > ";


for (i = line.begin(), j = 0; (i != line.end()) && (j < N); i++) {

if (*i != space) a2[j++] = *i;


// Merge

for (j = 0, k = 0; j < N; j++) {

merged[k++] = a1[j];

if (strchr(a1,a2[j]) == NULL) {

merged[k++] = a2[j];



c << "Merged : ";


// Sort


c<< "Sorted : ";


delete [] a1;

delete [] a2;

delete [] merged;

return 0;


void printArray(const char *a) {

for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen(a); i++) {

c<< a[i] << " ";


c<< endl;



// Selection sort of a char array, ignoring case.


void selectionSort(char *a, size_t n) {

char min, t;

for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {

min = i;

for (size_t j = i+1; j < n; j++) {

if (tolower(a[j]) < tolower(a[min])) {

min = j;



t = a[min];

a[min] = a[i];

a[i] = t;



#if 0

Sample run:

For arrays A1 and A2, enter up to 10

characters (not counting spaces)

A1 > a h b c u v I j k e

A2 > y u d f g k I w q a

Merged : a y h b d c f u g v I j w k q e

Sorted : a b c d e f g h I j k q u v w y





using namespace std;

void merge(char[],int, char[],int ,char[],int&);

void fill(char[], int&,char[],int,int&);

void print(char[],int,string);

void input(char[],int,string);

void sort(char[],int);

bool already(char,char[],int);

int main()

{char a[10],b[10],c[20];

int asize=10,csize=0,bsize=10;

input (a,asize,"array 1");

input (b,bsize,"array 2");

print(a,asize,"Original Array 1");

print(b,bsize,"Original Array 2");


print(c,csize,"Merged Array");


print(c,csize,"Sorted Merged Array");


return 0;


void print(char a[],int n,string mess)

{int i;







void merge(char a[],int asize,char b[],int bsize,char c[], int& csize)

{int aupto=0,bupto=0,turn=0;
























void fill(char c[],int &csize,char b[],int bsize,int &bupto)








void sort(char a[],int size)

{int i,j;

char t;









void input(char a[],int n, string mess)

{int i;

cout<<"Enter "<




bool already(char a,char c[],int csize)

{int i;



return true;

return false;


CS507 - Solution of Assignment # 2

Impact on Economy

This technology contributes to several national economic prosperity goals. Its major contribution is to job creation and economic growth because it is an essential part of the new manufacturing infrastructure centered on computer- controlled manufacturing. For example, by contributing to producibility and lower costs of "clean cars," CIM support software plays an important role in making clean cars more economically viable and giving U.S. industry advantage in the new generation of vehicles for world markets. It provides one of the tools which can be used to excel at the products and processes identified by the NEMI as essential for future competitiveness of U.S. electronics industry in world markets. It provides the capabilities to work with new materials tailored specifically to the needs of automotive, electronics, construction and aircraft industries, and is essential to the design and economic production of sophisticated new automobiles and aircraft. Finally, CIM support software contributes to the harnessing of information technology because many of the physical components of the information infrastructure, e.g., integrated circuits, can be manufactured more productively with reliance on CIM.



According to the U.S. National Research Council, CIM improves production productivity by 40 to 70 percent, as well as enhances engineering productivity and quality. CIM can also decrease design costs by 15 to 30 percent, reduce overall lead time by 20 to 60 percent, and cut work-in-process inventory by 30 to 60 percent. Managers who use CIM believe that there is a direct relationship between the efficiency of information management and the efficiency and the overall effectiveness of the manufacturing enterprise. Thacker's view is that many CIM programs focus attention on the efficiency of information management and the problems that come with it instead of developing new and more sophisticated manufacturing machines, material transformation processes, manufacturing management processes, and production facilities. Computer-integrated manufacturing can be applied to nonmanufacturing organizations by changing the manufacturing focus toward a service orientation. CIM and Job Definition Format (JDF) are becoming increasingly beneficial to printing companies to streamline their production process.

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