
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Mgt401 solution


Sitara Textile is one of the renowned textile companies in Pakistan. It has a strong supply chain network of raw material since its establishment in order to fulfill its customers demand on time. ABC Co. one of the raw material suppliers of Sitara Textile is in short financing and need Rs. 500,000 to enhance its production facility. ABC Co. requests Sitara Textile to lend the required amount for the period of 3 years. Sitara Textile agrees and guaranteed ABC Co. the loan on certain basis for the said period.

Your comments require in this regard whether Sitara Textile would disclose this financial information while preparing financial statements, which will publish later? Your answer must be confined in two to three lines.

Solution idea:-

Sitara Textile will disclose the information about the loan in financial statement which is given to ABC Co. Because there is no any negetive effect of disclosing the information of debt in financial statement it will increases the assets of the Sitara Textile and which increases the financial position of the Sitara Textile. And the supply chain network of raw material will also become more strong.

Total Quality Management – MGT510 spring 2010 solution

The Ford Motor Company entered the 1980s with two years of losses totaling over $1.6 billion, and then-chairman Donald E. Petersen grew to realize that consumers were disappointed in the performance of automobiles built In the United States. He had to restore customer, satisfaction by improving quality and put the company back into overdrive by increasing productivity.

One of Petersen’s first moves was an appeal for help from quality guru W. Edwards Deming, who started by ‘focusing management attention on processes and the people involved in those processes. Next, under the banner “Quality is Job 1,” Petersen instituted an array of programs designed to increase quality and productivity by obtaining greater input from customers, employees, and suppliers. New consumer surveys, dubbed competitive new vehicle quality (CNVQ) studies are reviewed twice a month at meetings that typically involve 100 Ford people and List from four to seven hours, Consumer comments are used to tune the design and performance standards of Ford cars to better provide what customers want.

An employee involvement (El) program was designed to obtain as much input as possible from the company’s employees. In the spirit of participative management, managers and employees are now expected to share power in the workplace, solving problems jointly. Every week, more than 30 of these El warns meet to discuss new ideas for improving Ford cars. In the company’s new design for a Lincoln Town Car, over 2,600 suggestions from employees were incorporated into the final product.

From the above case study determine the following

1. How TQ organizations differs from the traditional organizations in terms of

a. Changing Relationship with Customers and Supplier 5

Answer : In traditional management, quality is defined as adherence to internal specifications and standards. Quality is defined as adherence to internal specifications and standards. Quality is measured only by the absence of defects. Inspection of people’s work by others is necessary to control defects. In TQ, quality is defined as products and services beyond present needs and expectations of customers. Innovation is required to meet and exceed customers’ needs. Traditional management places customers outside of the enterprise and within the domain of marketing and sales. TQ views everyone inside the enterprise as a customer of an internal or external supplier, and a supplier of an external or internal customer. Marketing concepts and tools can be used to assess internal customer needs and to communicate internal supplier capabilities.

b. Motivation 5

Answer : TQ organizations support the premise of workers are self-motivated, seek responsibility, and exhibit a high degree of imagination and creativity at work. TQ managers provide leadership rather than overt intervention in the processes of their subordinates, who are viewed as process managers rather than functional specialists. People are motivated to make meaningful contributions to what they believe is an important and noble cause, of value to the enterprise and society. TQ reward systems recognize individual as well as team contributions and reinforce cooperation.

c. Management and Leadership 5

Answer : Traditional management views people as interchangeable commodities, developed to meet the perceived needs of the enterprise. People are passive contributors with little autonomy-doing what they are told and nothing more. TQ views people as the enterprise’s true competitive edge. Leadership provides people with opportunities for personal growth and development. People are able to take pride and joy in learning and accomplishment, and the ability of the enterprise to succeed is enhanced. People are active contributors, valued for their creativity and intelligence. Every person is a process manager presiding over the transformation of inputs to outputs of greater value to the enterprise and to the ultimate customer. 5

2. How did Ford motors get competitive advantage on the basis of quality strategy? 5

Answer : Ford as company take the lead started by ‘focusing management attention on processes and the people involved in those processes.

Next move is “Quality is Job 1,” implement an array of programs designed to increase quality and productivity by obtaining greater input from customers, employees, and suppliers and further revised consumer surveys, dubbed Competitive new vehicle quality (CNVQ) studies are reviewed twice a month at meetings that typically involve 100 Ford people and lasted from four to seven hours, Consumer comments are used to tune the design and performance standards of Ford cars to better provide what customers want.

An employee involvement (El) program was designed to obtain as much input as possible from the company’s employees. In the spirit of participative management, managers and employees are now expected to share power in the workplace, solving problems jointly.

STA630 1st quize

Question # 1 of 15 ( Start time: 01:38:42 PM ) Total Marks: 1
According to Empiricism, which of the following is the ultimate source of all our concepts and knowledge?
Select correct option:
Sensory experience
Logics and arguments

Question # 2 of 15 ( Start time: 01:40:02 PM ) Total Marks: 1
The organization of concepts in sequence from the most concrete and individual to the most general indicates is:
Select correct option:
One that bears no relation to the underlying concept.
An abstract, theoretical definition of a concept.
The degree of abstraction
An operational definition

Question # 3 of 15 ( Start time: 01:41:06 PM ) Total Marks: 1
The facts that should be collected to measure a variable, depend upon the
Select correct option:
Conceptual understanding
Dictionary meaning
Operational definition
All of the above

Question # 4 of 15 ( Start time: 01:42:22 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Which of the following is not a concept?
Select correct option:
Total Quality Management
Human Resource Management

Question # 5 of 15 ( Start time: 01:43:28 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Which one of the following is not an assumption of science?
Select correct option:
There are reoccurring patterns in the world.
Events happen because of preceding causes.
We can discover solutions to problems of interest.
Theoretical explanations must agree with common sense.

Question # 6 of 15 ( Start time: 01:44:39 PM ) Total Marks: 1
What research is?
Select correct option:
A lab experiment
A report
A systematic Enquiry
A procedure

Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 01:45:22 PM ) Total Marks: 1
The independent variable is;
Select correct option:
The variable manipulated in order to observe its effects
The variable that is measured
The free spirited variable
A confounding variable

Question # 8 of 15 ( Start time: 01:46:07 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Which of the following steps of the scientific method is exemplified by the researcher reviewing the literature and focusing on a specific problem that has yet to be resolved?
Select correct option:
Identify a topic.
Describe the procedures to collect information.
Analyze the collected information.
State the results of the data analysis.

Question # 9 of 15 ( Start time: 01:47:26 PM ) Total Marks: 1
To explain, predict, and/or control phenomena are the goal of----------------------
Select correct option:
Inductive logic
Deductive logic
The scientific method

Question # 10 of 15 ( Start time: 01:48:21 PM ) Total Marks: 1
A variable is:
Select correct option:
Any characteristic of interest that can take on more than one value
Defined as the groups manipulated in experimental research
The complete set of scores we use in statistical analysis
Completely specified only in observational research

Question # 11 of 15 ( Start time: 01:49:48 PM ) Total Marks: 1
When we say that science is parsimonious, we mean that:
Select correct option:
Scientific theories are based on laws.
We must be careful because causes can occur after specific effects.
The best scientific theories are those that offer the simplest explanations for a law.
Science accurately describes a wide range of behavior.

Question # 12 of 15 ( Start time: 01:50:45 PM ) Total Marks: 1
If a researcher is studying the effect of using laptops in his classroom to ascertain their merit and worth, he is likely conducting which type of research?
Select correct option:

Question # 13 of 15 ( Start time: 01:51:32 PM ) Total Marks: 1
To say that a theory is falsifiable is to say that;
Select correct option:
It is based on results that are not replicable.
Investigators have replaced it with a simpler or more accurate theory.
We can imagine results that would contradict it.
It is so vague that it fits any and all possible results.

Question # 14 of 15 ( Start time: 01:52:05 PM ) Total Marks: 1
The following journal article would be an example of _____ research; "The benefits of florescent lighting on production in a factory setting."
Select correct option:

Question # 15 of 15 ( Start time: 01:53:29 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Which of the following is not a function of clearly identified research questions?
Select correct option:
They guide your literature search.
They keep you focused throughout the data collection period.
They make the scope of your research as wide as possible.
They are linked together to help you construct a coherent argument.

Mgt502 solution

Q.1: As CEO of the “Softronix” what reasons do you see for the poor performance in Japan?


Reasons for poor performance in Japan:-

Cultural characteristics difference between several dimensions and aspects; the ability to perceive them and to cope with them is one of the bases of intercultural competence. In Japan “Collectivism and Individualism” dimensions of cultural difference decrease the performance in Softronix. In every culture the preferences and habits of people are different and they have also different habits & styles of work.

So the basic & main reason for the poor performance in Japan is that the people in Japan are not willing to work individually. If we are unwilling to do any task than we can’t get the positive results.

And In Japan people tend to work in collectively in teams. So when Mr. Ahmad gave work individually the can’t get positive results because of “Cultural Differences”


Q.2: Keeping in view the GLOBE framework for assessing the cultures, what other considerations should Mr. Ahmad look at in order to assess the two totally different cultures?



Other consideration to assess the two totally different cultures for assessment of intercultural competence as an existing ability and / or the potential to develop it (with conditions and timeframe),

the following characteristics are tested and observed: ambiguity tolerance, openness to contacts, flexibility in behavior, emotional stability, motivation to perform, empathy, met communicative competence, polycentrism.

In every culture the preferences and habits of people are different and they have also different habits & styles of work.

So same styles in two different cultures or regions can’t gives in positive results.

He should look that the choices of Japanese whether they like to work separately or in a group, give them full liberty to work with their own style.

cs302 solution

CS302- Digital Logic Design
Assignment # 1
Spring 2010

Question_1: [marks: 4]
Convert each decimal fraction to binary using repeated-multiplication-by-2:
  • 0.98

0.98 .98*2=1.96 .96*2=1.92 .92*2=1.84 .84*2=1.68 .68*2= 1.36 .36*2=0.72 .72*2=1.44 .44*2=0.88 .88*2=1.76 .76*2=1.52 .52*2=1.04 .04*2=0.08 .08*2=.16
keep going and you finally get
  • 0.60

  • 60 .6*2=1.2 .2*2=0.4 .4*2=0.8 .8*2=1.6 this is a repeating decimal .10011001100110011000.60

Question_2: [marks: 6]
Express each decimal number as an 8-bit number in the 2's complement form:
  • +10
  • +10 10/2=5 rem 0 5/2=2 rem 1 2/2= 1 rem 0 1/2 = 0 rem 1 = 1010 make 8 bits 00001010

  • -125
-125 125/2=62 rem 1 62/2=31 rem 0 31/2 = 15 rem 1 15/2=7 rem 1 7/2=3 rem 1 3/2=1rem 1 1/2 = 0 rem 1 = 1111101 make 8 bits 01111101 change to negative
  • flip bits 10000010
    add 1 +1

Question_3: [marks: 4]
Represent the following decimal numbers in BCD:
  • 919
% no rem
2 919
2 459 1
2 229 1
2 114 1
2 57 0
2 28 1
2 14 0
2 7 0
2 3 1
2 1 1
So we get (1110010111)2=397 in BCD
  • 321

% no rem
2 321
2 160 1
2 80 0
2 40 0
2 20 0
2 10 0
2 5 0
2 2 1
2 1 0
So we get (101000001)2= A1 in BCD
Question_4: [marks: 4]
What is the highest decimal number that can be represented by each of the following numbers of binary digits (bits) ?
Digits No. Binary digits
two = 2 0010
five = 5 0101
nine= 9 1001
ten = 10 1010
So ten = 10 1010 is the highest no.

Question_5: [marks: 2]
Which input combination will produce logic 1 at the output of a 4-input NOR gate ?

The NOR gate is a digital logic gate that implements logical NOR - it behaves A HIGH output (1) results if both the inputs to the gate are LOW (0).. NOR is a functionally complete operation—combinations of NOR gates can be combined to generate any other logical function. By contrast, the OR operator is monotonicas it can only change LOW to HIGH but not vice versa.
0 0 0 0 1
So we will get high 1 only when all inputs are zero.

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