
Monday, April 18, 2011

SME601 Assignment No. 1

“Pakistan is the 6th most populous country in the world. Still, it is not able to produce required  capable professional and skilled people.” 

Answer the following questions: 

1. What necessary steps are required by the government of Pakistan to enhance skilled labour? 

Give your suggestions  (8 marks)

2. Do you think that SMEs and NGOs can also perform a positive role to solve this problem?  Discuss.   (7 marks)

Mgt602 Assginment No. 1 solution

Semester “Spring 2011” 
“Entrepreneurship (MGT602)” 
Assignment No. 01 Marks: 20 

Question Statement: 
You are thinking to start your own business of Pizza shop in your locality. You are  required to write: 

• What are the advantages and disadvantages of starting your career as an 

• Explain your own interest in different type of entrepreneurial rewards. Identify which reward is most important for your personality and tell why? 

Important Tips 

1. This Assignment can be best attempted from the knowledge acquired after 
watching video lecture no. 1 to lecture no 10 and reading handouts as well as 
recommended text book). 
2. Video lectures can be downloaded for free from Online VU Lectures
Opening Date and Time April 14, 2011 At 12:01 A.M. (Mid-Night) 
Due Date and Time April 18, 2011 At 11:59 P.M. (Mid-Night) 
Note: Only in the case of Assignment, 24 Hrs extra / grace period after the above mentioned  due date is usually available to overcome uploading difficulties which may be faced by the  students on last date. This extra time should only be used to meet the emergencies and above mentioned due dates should always be treated as final to avoid any inconvenience.

Important Instructions: 

Please read the following instructions carefully before attempting the assignment solution. 


• Make sure that you upload the solution file before the due date. No
 assignment will be accepted through e-mail once the solution has been uploaded by the instructor. 

Formatting guidelines: 

• Use the font style “Times New Roman” and font size “12”. 

• It is advised to compose your document in MS-Word 2003. 
• Use black and blue font colors only. 

Solution guidelines: 

• Use APA style for referencing and citation. For guidance search “APAreference style” in Google and read various website containing
 information for better understanding or visit 
• Every student will work individually and has to write in the form of an
analytical assignment. 
• Give the answer according to question, there will be negative marking
for irrelevant material. 
• For acquiring the relevant knowledge don’t rely only on handouts but
watch the video lectures and use other reference books also. 

Rules for Marking 

Please note that your assignment will not be graded or graded as Zero (0) if: 

• It has been submitted after due date 

• The file you uploaded does not open or is corrupt 
• It is in any format other than .doc (MS. Word) 
• It is cheated or copied from other students, internet, books, journals etc…


Part (a)
“Advantages and disadvantages”

Power to initiate
To stat the business of the Pizza shop in my locality as being a entrepreneur will gave a punch of boost to me. Because it gave me the free hand to initiate my work to initiate the thoughts of mine and start the business as per my requirement
Power of implementation
An entrepreneur has an advantage to cop up his business. He can implement his own strategies to his own business, he has that power to move up his business, as being an entrepreneur to start up the pizza shop I have the advantage to implement new strategies in it
Back up by professional
As I am new in my career and I started as an entrepreneur so there is an advantage for me to have the professional assistance with me. I can take the professional tips from the experience ones; these beneficial suggestions will be the asset of my business and my career.
As I started my career as an entrepreneur so it’s the fact that I should be very attentive in my acts. I should learn the things at a very fast rate. Because as I choose this career so I have to be the fast to make my career fast, this all activity can be done as being an entrepreneur.
Grab up the market
As I would be the initiator so I have the advantage to grab up the market. There are some chances that will definitely come to my path. So as I am be pleased to work with opportunities and make my career more affective and bright.
Scarcity is a disadvantage for a person who is just new in his professional life and going to start his career as an entrepreneur. Scarcity of resources, scarcity of men power etc.
Lack of experience
As I choose my career being an entrepreneur so I would face the problem because I have not the required experience with me. Work experience is a essential tool for the sake of the business. So the lack of experience is a disadvantage to start the career as an entrepreneur.
Less accuracy
When the entrepreneur make so many decisions at one time it becomes very difficult for him to be accurate in his every decision. He wills tires from the daily working. As he is an entrepreneur so he has the immense of load of working on him which leads him towards lack of consistency.
Element of rigidity
To be rigid is not the way. When an entrepreneur work so much and implement the things of his own thought than he has the chances of being rigid. Once this factor comes into play it will ruin the soul of the business and the career of the related person.
Part (b)

Many different types of entrepreneurial rewards are there to be discussed that includes Independence and Self satisfaction. To be independent in your activities is one of the rewards of entrepreneurial career. An independent person have that ability to generate the different ideas and element them in his practical workings. One of the rewards of entrepreneur is to be wealth. Wealth is all about. Because every business starts for the sake of wealth. So the wealth reward is the most important of all. As for my approach is concern I will go with the wealth reward. Because I am the person who loves to be wealthier and from wealth I can do what I want to do

Question No 1:


There may be some of the following advantages which are as under
1. Power to initiate
2. Salary Potential
3. Power of implementation
4. Back up by professionals
5. Flexibility
6. Learning Opportunities
7. Independence
8. Attentiveness
9. Capture the market the market

So we can say that each and every action has a reaction that’s why there may be some of the disadvantages as following

1. Scarcity
2. Lack of Experiences
3. No regular salary
4. Working hours
5. Stress
6. Less accuracy
7. Element of rigidity
8. Administration
9. Time Commitment

Question No 2:

As an entrepreneur and a pioneer I will work with full synergies to get the name and also will have the proper back up system to escape from spoiling. People will give respect as an entrepreneurial but I will try to satisfy them and will also try to get the reward of good will. First I will invest and after this put my investment for future benefits. I will put a new trend to satisfy the public by quality of pizzas at late nights by bringing over time shift system and will be available at any time when the customer needed. I will try to earn some respect and not try to spoil my name.

Mgt603 Assignment No. 1 announced

Assignment # 1 (20 marks)

Suppose, you are the owner of ‘Khaalis Foods Ltd’, a new company planning to produce dairy products.

A) You are required to develop a Mission Statement for your company that must include the following nine components:

• Customers
• Products or services
• Markets
• Technology
• Survival, growth, and profitability
• Philosophy
• Self-Concept
• Concern for public image
• Concern for employees
B) Explain whether the Mission Statement (developed by you in the first part of this assignment) supports ‘Customer Orientation’ or not. Give reasons to justify your answer.

STA630 GDB solution

Discussion Question

Most of the researches show that household poverty is a powerful motive for child labor.

Household poverty is a major phenomenon that leads children towards work – at the expense of their schooling. Children indulge into work for the survival of their families. Also, the poverty rate varies from country to country therefore the rate of Child Labor is different in different countries.

Question:Identify which type of reasoning (INDUCTIVE or DEDUCTIVE) has been used in above paragraph? Explain briefly.  

Read the following instructions before giving your comments on GDB: 

  1. Use the font style “Times New Roman” and font size “12”.
  2. Your answer should be relevant to the topic i.e. clear and concise.
  3. Do not copy or exchange your answer with other students.

    Two identical / copied comments will be marked Zero (0) and may damage your grade in the course.
  4. Books, websites and other reading material may be consulted before posting your comments but copying or reproducing the text from books, websites and other reading materials is strictly prohibited. Such comments will be marked as Zero (0).Inductive reasoning, or induction, is reasoning from a specific case or cases and deriving a general rule. It draws inferences from observations in order to make generalizations.
Inductive reasoning, or induction, is reasoning from a specific case or cases and deriving a general rule. It draws inferences from observations in order to make generalizations.

Induction is usually described as moviing from the specific to the general,, while deduction begins with the general and ends with the

Arguments based on laws, rules and acceptted principles are generally used ffor Deductive Reasoning.. Observations tend to be used for
Inductive Arguments..

Inference can be done in four stages:

Observation: collect facts, without bias. 
Analysis: classify the facts, identifying patterns o of regularity. 
Inference: From the patterns, infer generalizations about the relations between the facts.

Confirmation: Testing the inference through further observation. 
In an argument, you might:

Derive a general rule in an accepted area and then apply the rule in the area where you want the person to behave. 
Give them lots of detail, then explain what it all means. 
Talk about the benefits of the parts and only get to the overall benefits later. 
Take what has happened and give a plausible explanation for why it has happened. 
Inductive arguments can include:

Part-to-whole: where the whole is assumed to be like individual parts (only bigger).

Extrapolations: where areas beyond the area of study are assumed to be like the studied area.

Predictions: where the future is assumed to be like the past.

HRM624 Assignment No. 1 announced

Semester “Spring 2011”
“Conflict Management (HRM624)”
Assignment No.1 Marks: 15

The Tylenol Crisis
In the fall of 1986 a Consumer Products company, was confronted with a crisis when seven people died furtively. Authorities resolute that each of the people that died had ingested an Extra-Strength Tylenol capsule laced with cyanide. The news of this incident traveled quickly and was the cause of a massive, nationwide panic. These poisonings made it necessary for the company to launch a public relations program immediately, in order to save the integrity of
both their product and their corporation as a whole.

The tainted Tylenol capsules were from four different manufacturing lots. Evidence suggests that the pills were taken from different stores over a period of weeks or months. The bottles, some of which had five or less cyanide laced capsules and one which had ten, were tampered with and then placed back on the shelves of five different stores.

After this crisis, the company was faced with quite a dilemma. They needed to find the best way to deal with the tampering, without destroying the reputation of their company and their most profitable product, Tylenol. "I don't think they can ever sell another product under that name," advertising genius Jerry Della Femina told the New York Times in the first days following the crisis.

a) How this crisis can be turned into an opportunity for the organization? (Marks 7.5)

b) Suggest some ways to deal with or prevent uncertain conflicts constructively. (Marks 7.5)

Important Tips
1. This Assignment can be best attempted from the knowledge acquired after
watching video lecture no. 1 to lecture no. 11 and reading handouts as well as
recommended text book).
2. Video lectures can be downloaded for free from Online VU Lectures

Opening Date and Time April 18, 2011 At 12:01 A.M. (Mid-Night)
Due Date and Time April 21, 2011 At 11:59 P.M. (Mid-Night)
Note: Only in the case of Assignment, 24 Hrs extra / grace period after the above mentioned due date is usually available to overcome uploading difficulties which may be faced by the students on last date. This extra time should only be used to meet the emergencies and above mentioned due dates should always be treated as final to avoid any inconvenience.

Important Instructions:
Please read the following instructions carefully before attempting the assignment solution.

• Make sure that you upload the solution file before the due date. No assignment will be accepted through e-mail once the solution has been uploaded by the instructor.

Formatting guidelines:
• Use the font style “Times New Roman” and font size “12”.
• It is advised to compose your document in MS-Word 2003.
• Use black and blue font colors only.

Solution guidelines:
• Every student will work individually and has to write in the form of an
analytical assignment.
• Give the answer according to question.
• For acquiring the relevant knowledge don’t rely only on handouts but
watch the video lectures and use other reference books also.
Rules for Marking
Please note that your assignment will not be graded or graded as Zero (0) if:
• It has been submitted after due date
• The file you uploaded does not open or is corrupt
• It is in any format other than .doc (MS. Word)
• It is cheated or copied from other students, internet, books, journals etc…

HRM627 Assignment No. 1 announced

Human Resource Development (HRM627)
Assignment No. 1 Marks: 15

Following are some scenarios for which you are provided with illustrations. You
are required to “NAME” what concept has been portrayed in each case; and also
brief characteristics of that particular concept.

Note: Only in the case of Assignment, 24 Hrs extra / grace period after the due date is usually available to overcome uploading difficulties which may be faced by the students on last date. This extra time should only be used to meet the emergencies and above mentioned due dates should always be treated as final to avoid any inconvenience.

Important Instructions:
Please read the following instructions carefully before attempting the assignment solution.

S. No. Scenario Illustration Concept
Characteristics of
Ali arrives late at office and is threatened by his manager for this. Although his
manager himself does not care about time and always reaches late in meetings etc. In most organizations the boss can interrupt progress to hold an unplanned meeting in the middle of the work day; some bosses schedule a meeting for a specific time and expect all involved parties to be punctual.

Mr. Sajid (the boss) thinks that most employees in his organization are only out for themselves, and their sole interest in the job is to earn money. Employees are assumed to put their individual concerns above that of the organization for which they work.

Sara desires to work on a math equation, because a challenge of finding a solution provides sense of pleasure to her. Writing short stories because you really enjoy writing them, reading a nonfiction book because you are inquisitive about the topic.

• Make sure that you upload the solution file before the due date. No
assignment will be accepted through e-mail once the solution has
been uploaded by the instructor.

Formatting guidelines:
• Use the font style “Times New Roman” and font size “12”.
• It is advised to compose your document in MS-Word 2003.
• Use black and blue font colors only.

Solution guidelines:
• Use APA style for referencing and citation. For guidance search
“APA reference style” in Google and read various website
containing information for better understanding or visit
• Every student will work individually and has to write in the form of an analytical assignment.
• Give the answer according to question, there will be negative marking for irrelevant material.
• For acquiring the relevant knowledge don’t rely only on handouts
but watch the video lectures and use other reference books also.
Rules for Marking
Please note that your assignment will not be graded or graded as Zero (0) if:
• It has been submitted after due date
• The file you uploaded does not open or is corrupt
• It is in any format other than .doc (MS. Word)
• It is cheated or copied from other students, internet, books, journals etc.

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