org 0x0100]
jmp start ; unconditionally jump over data
myarr: dw 20, 15, 203, 1004, 250, 91, 52, 666, 840, 1018
min: dw 0
max: dw 0
mov bx, 0 ; initialize array index to zero
mov ax, 0 ; initialize min to zero
mov ax, [myarr+bx] ; minimum number to ax
mov cx,10
minfind: cmp ax, [myarr+bx]
jle incr1
mov ax,[myarr+bx] ;ax contains the minimum number
add bx, 2 ; advance bx to next index
loop minfind
mov [min], ax ; write back minimum in memory
;This is the code for searching maximum number in array
mov bx, 0 ; initialize array index to zero
mov ax, 0 ; initialize max to zero
mov ax, [myarr+bx] ; maximum number to ax
mov cx,10
maxfind: cmp ax, [myarr+bx] ; are we find the maximum number
jge incr2 ; if greater or equal number
mov ax,[myarr+bx] ;ax contains the maximum number
add bx, 2 ; incrementing the bx
loop maxfind
mov [max], ax ; writing max in memory
mov ax, 0x4c00 ; terminate program
int 0x21
Saturday, November 7, 2009
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