
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

MGMT628 GDB Solution

The groups are more productive and effective when they are in public area of Johri window. The aim of every Group must be to reduce the other quadrant size and increase the Public area. Comment.
Solution Idea:-
The groups are more productive and effective when they are in public area of Johri window. The aim of every Group must be to reduce the other quadrant size and increase the Public area. Comment.

Following data is from our Handouts of OD page # 162. But I cant understand Yet that what we have to comment. . .
Plz give your comments on GDB. Or give some tips to answer this GDB.

Disclosure and Feedback of Johari Window:
As indicated in Figure, movement along the vertical and horizontal dimensions enables individuals to
change their interpersonal styles by increasing the amount of communication in the public or shared area.
To enlarge the public area, a person may move vertically by reducing the closed area. As a person behaves
less defensively and becomes more open, trusting and risk taking, others will tend to react with increased
openness and trust. This process termed, disclosure, involves the open disclosure of one’s feelings,
thoughts and candid feedback to others. The openness of communication leads more to open and
congruent relationships.
The behavioral process used to enlarge the public area horizontally termed, feedback, allows us to reduce
the blind area. The only way to become aware of our blind spots is for others to give information or
feedback about our behavior.
The blind area can only be reduced with the help and cooperation of others, and this requires a willingness
to invite and accept such feedback.
Almost every organization finds that poor communication is the most important problem preventing
organizational effectiveness.

Please do make changes in these assignment otherwise every one who copy this assignment as it is will awarded zero marks


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