
Friday, December 10, 2010

Mgt211 Mid Term Current Paper (Dec 2010)

Mgt211 Mid Term Current Paper (Dec 2010)

1- List out major factors that contribute to success of new businesses. (3)
2- From lowest to highest, what is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs? (3)
3- Explain entrepreneurship and describe some key characteristics of entrepreneurial Personalities and their activities. (5)
4- Describe Reinforcement theory. (5)

Another Paper:
28 mcqs

subjective type questions are:
what r the tasks invovled in human resource plan?? 3 marks
write some non financial ways to compensate employees. 3 marks
equity thoery?? 5 marks
how human resource is important in strategic tools??? 5 marks

Another Paper:
50% mcq's were from past papers
subjective question
what are the causes of disequilibriam in balance of payment in a country?
what are the tasks to develop human resource plan
who are potential customer?
what is equity theory


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