Total question 45
Time period 120 minutes
I strongly recommend all to study it before attempting the pepper.
1 What is web server? 2
2 How bank verifies the validity of the coins?
3 What is E-business? 2
4 Do u agree that improved logistic supply chain is one of the roles of e-commerce?
5 define the two terms plaintiff and defendant?
6 In how many classes the law is divided, give their name?
7 What are the global issues of internet taxation briefly discuss?
8 What does RAS and RAC stands for in the context of virtual private network?
9 What is business promotion? Give two names?
10 Which type of signatures is more reliable and convenient?
11 discuss the 4th stage of strategic planning cycle?
12 identify different area of study involve e-commerce?
13 What is cyber squatting? Explain with example
14 How we can obtain MD1 and MD2, DSMD?
15 Explain the term support and confidence in the context of association?
Time period 120 minutes
I strongly recommend all to study it before attempting the pepper.
1 What is web server? 2
2 How bank verifies the validity of the coins?
3 What is E-business? 2
4 Do u agree that improved logistic supply chain is one of the roles of e-commerce?
5 define the two terms plaintiff and defendant?
6 In how many classes the law is divided, give their name?
7 What are the global issues of internet taxation briefly discuss?
8 What does RAS and RAC stands for in the context of virtual private network?
9 What is business promotion? Give two names?
10 Which type of signatures is more reliable and convenient?
11 discuss the 4th stage of strategic planning cycle?
12 identify different area of study involve e-commerce?
13 What is cyber squatting? Explain with example
14 How we can obtain MD1 and MD2, DSMD?
15 Explain the term support and confidence in the context of association?
threats to new entrants?
revenue models?
fimilarity level?
what is integrity?
name elements of branding?
why merchant is less secure in Virtual private system?
does "target" attribute work to dispaly the wanted text in a a frame?
convert the given decmal form in the binary form?
global issues in internet taxing?
why virtual payment system is suitable for low cost items?
define clustering with example?
and question about how the acknowledgment is done if the originator does not agree with the methods of the addresses.
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