
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mgt603 Final Term Current Paper (Feb 2011)

Mgt603 Final Term Current Paper (Feb 2011)

If mission statement states that "we must always be response and effective to changing needs of our industry" which component of mission statement is it representing and why? 3 marks

Suggest that what can be the best way to overcome individual resistance to change while taking corrective actions. 3 marks

Describe any three consideration EPS/EBIT analysis. 3 marks

Compute average collection period and compare. 5 marks


SALES Rs. million Rs.million

A 5 5
B 7 3.5

Give some example of marketing decisions that may require policies. 5 marks

"he goal of value chain activities is to offer the customers a level of value that exceed the cost of activities which result in profit margin" you are required to discuss some of primary value chain activities. 5 marks

Parties to conflict can conceptualize response according to two dimential scheme "what are hypothesis of this scheme.5 marks


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