Assignment No. 01
SEMESTER Spring 2011
CS507- Information Systems
SEMESTER Spring 2011
CS507- Information Systems
Total Marks: 10
Due Date: 18/04/2011
Due Date: 18/04/2011
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Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted at or before Monday, April 18th, 2011.Marks: 10
Question 1:
Is monitoring of the e-mail by managers ethical (It is legal.) Support your answer. [ 3 marks]
Question 2:
To what extent do organizations now depend on the success of information technology to stay in
business? [ 2 marks]
To what extent do organizations now depend on the success of information technology to stay in
business? [ 2 marks]
Question 3:
Can you think of definitions of information systems other than the one presented in handouts?
Can you think of definitions of information systems other than the one presented in handouts?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of these definitions compared with the one we adopted? [ 5 marks]
Note: Write only precise answer and avoid giving extra details.
Question 1:
Is monitoring of the e-mail by managers ethical (It is legal.) Support your answer. [ 3 marks]
Basically the answer is yes, IF your company has implemented a written email policy in which employees are warned that their emails can be monitored and that they should have no expectation of privacy. Not only will the existence of an email policy help you in a court of law, it will also educate your employees in the usage of email and may prevent many of the issues you were trying to stop by monitoring email. Make sure that the email policy is properly communicated to all staff and that any updates are circulated amongst all employees. It is preferable to have employees sign the email policy, including any additions to it, to prove that the employee has agreed to abide by the rules. Furthermore, email monitoring must be applied as uniformly as possible, since singling out an individual without a clear reason to do so could subject the company to discrimination claims.
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