Software Project Management
Assignment # 01
Spring 2011
Marks: 20
Due Date Your assignment must be uploaded before or on 18th April 2011.
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Assignment: Q.NO.1
Read the given scenario you have to analyze the situation and suggest a suitable process model. Justify your answer with suitable reasons.
Mughal brothers Pvt. Ltd. is the distributor of the Qarshi products in Pakistan. The company wants to automate different process like sale purchase and inventory systems. Previously the company has no experience of information technology. They have no idea of what will be the size, cost and duration of the project.
CyberSoft is the company which will develop this product. As the client has no idea of the product, company should get the requirements from the client then develop the product accordingly. The client also wants to involve in the system development to make sure that product should be according to his needs.
Differentiate between Software Process Vs Software Engineering.
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