
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Mgmt625 VU Midterm Current Paper (May 2011)



Change Management
Total Question: 27
MCQ's : 22
Subjective: 5
Q.No.1: Limitations of teleological theories of change. 3marks
Q.No.2: Write 2 assumptions of Grinner's Model 3 Marks
Q.No.3: How can you distinguish between devil's advocacy and
dialectical inquiry process? 3Marks
Q.No.4: How can organization transform during the process of
invotation 5 Marks
Q.No.5: Explain competency multiplier with the help of an example.
Marks 5




Q.No.1: Differentiate between Lamarckian and Darwinism approach.
Q.No.2: Explains the Red Tape reasons. 5Marks
Q.No.3: Explains the Human Capital with example. 3Marks
Q.No.4: How can you distinguish between devil's advocacy and
dialectical inquiry process? 3Marks
1 question not remind.


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