
Friday, December 3, 2010

Eng201 Mid Term Current Paper (Dec 2010)

Thanks to those who share papers:

Here are some question which I can remember
Define the transition?
Informal Writing?
What are claims and adjustments?
Composition of business message?
Consideration regarding 7 c's 5 marks
Factors to consider during editing of a message?
MCQ's were almost from quiz and past papers

Another Paper:

Total 17 Questions
10 MCQs
7 subjective

1. what is fomal writing? (2)
2. difference b/w simple and compound sentence (2)
3. What is AIDA? (3)
4. Define Agena and Minutes (3)
5. Describe concisseness and we can acheive conciseness (5)
6. What are strategies of Bad News? (5)
7. Difference b/w Buisness letter and Memo (5)

Paper is very simple and MCQs are mostly 4m past paperz
Remember me in ur prayerz plzzzzz


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