
Friday, December 3, 2010

STA630 Mid Term Current Paper (Dec 2010)

Thanks to those who share papers:

28 mcqs

2question 3 marks

2 question 5 mars

mcqs all from past paper and quiz

3 marks question is what is quntative..

3 mraks question define reaserch project

5 marks what is case study describe

5 marks question research for a tea brand question samajh sai bahar tha

Another Paper:
Fall 2010, STA630 paper at 1 dec. session timing 2pm

Q: in what circumstances deception become ethical. 3

Q: what is a cover letter? 3

Q: Make a measurement tool and give it a name for this particular statement "how much employee like a organizations policy?" ..5

Q: survey is a time consuming method. Tell the in depth interview benefits to make a theoretical frame work. 5

Another Paper:

Current midterm paper of Research method  
28 mcqs all from quiz and past midterm papers.
2 questions of 3 marks each.
2 questions of 5 marks each

1. measurement of concept and what is involve in it. (3)
2. Mail questionnaires is cost effective but sometime it is not. comment on this statement
3. internal consistency (5)
4. importance of debriefing in research (5)

Another Paper:

Long Questions of STA630 Morning Session 
Question ( Marks: 3 )
Write six data collection techniques. 

Question ( Marks: 3 )
What is test/retest. How we can find reliability by test/retest method. 

Question ( Marks: 5 )
Researchers interviewed a ***** of people in a specific room. They were told that only their interaction with each other and their point of views on a specific issue are being studied but in fact high frequency sound waves were passed through that room and their effect on human behavior was being observed.
Answer the following questions:
Is it an act of deception? Give reason for your choice.
Do you think it was necessary to deceive the respondent in this experiment?
What can the researcher do after the completion of research to rectify the damage done to the respondents?

Another Paper:
Today Paper STA630 (03-12-2010)
Repart building is the essence of getting true responses of the respondents. Explain briefly. 3 marks
Mail questioners are cost effective but not always. Comment on the statement. 3 marks
How research question helps to formulate hypothesis? Explain with the of an example. 5 marks
A valid instruments is always reliable but a reliable instrument is not always valid? Comment on this statement. 5 mark


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