
Saturday, November 13, 2010

CS101 Assignment No. 2 Announced

Assignment No. 2
Semester: FALL 2010

CS101 Introduction to Computing


Total Marks: 15


Due Date:

November 22, 2010


Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting assignment:

It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:


o        Assignment is submitted after due date.

o        Submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt.

o        Assignment is copied (From internet/ to from students).



The assignment has been designed to enable Students:

  • Understanding HTML and JavaScript
  • Lectures covered 12 and 15


Software (s) Used to develop Assignment


Note Pad


Assignment Submission Instructions


  • The Assignment should be submitted in .html format.
  • Do not submit an image of html document, it is not accepted in any case.
  • Do not submit document / MS-Word file containing your code.


Guidelines to Solve Assignment:


  • Use Onclick event on submit and reset button to control the empty fields.
  • Submit and Reset buttons are working properly. On submission the form must be navigated to                                                                                                                          
  • Your controls in the form are well organized and functional.
  • Follow the layout provided to you.
  • Color used in Header, Content and Footer is magenta
  • Web Page Title = Student admission form: Student ID: Your VU ID
  • Follow the Layout ( Header , content, footer)
  • Use Forms and tables to show different controls in the form (Interfacing)
  • Use Onclick () event on submit button in Java Script to control empty fields.
    • Name field length contains maximum 25 characters and not empty.
    • Father's name field contains maximum 25 characters and not empty.
    • Postal address field not empty.
    • CV field not empty.





You are required to design an Admission form for educational website in HTML.

 (15 Marks)




Admission page will have three main parts


  1. Header
  2. Content
  3. Footer






Header contains any heading representing your form, you should write Admission Form there and you may use any image/background color behind the heading.





The content section will contain three sub sections


  1. Biodata
  2. Education
  3. Degree Program

Combo Box of Highest Education has these values in it:

-         BBA

-         B.A.

-         BSIT

-         BCS

-         MBA

-         MCS


Combo Box of Program Applied For  has these values in it:

-         MS (CS)

-         MS (BA)

-         MCS

-         MBA

-         BCS

-         BBA




The Footer section will display a simple footer text(it can be anything)





The complete Web page Preview




Your assignment must be uploaded on or before November 22, 2010.


Eng201 Assignment Solution


Q1: Letter of Inquiry/Intent

Some foundations/corporations prefer a letter of inquiry to determine whether the applicant falls within the foundation's guidelines. In this case, an inquiry letter used instead of a cover letter and proposal. It is very succinct, and attachments are not included. If the funder determines the organization and project fit within it's scope, the organization will be directed to submit a complete proposal. If not, a decline letter is usually issued at that time. A letter of inquiry should meet the following criteria:

Includes funder's name, title, and address
Is directed at the individual responsible for the funding program
Provides a brief overview of the organization and its purpose
Includes the reason for the funding request
Includes the amount requested (if required by funder)
Describes the need the project intends to meet (including target population, statistics, example)
Provides a brief description of the project
Lists other prospective funders for the project
Includes thank you and next step to be taken
Does not exceed two pages (one page is recommended)
Includes name and phone number of contact at the organization
Is signed by the person who can speak with authority on behalf of the organization

Q2:  Common organization mistakes

1. Taking too long to get to the Point
2. Including irrelevant material
3. Organize Your Ideas
4. Getting ideas mixed up
5. Leaving out necessary information
Why Good Organization is Important
1. Saves Time and Work
2. Helps you delegate
3. Increases reader understanding
4. Makes reader more receptive to message
5. Saves readers time

Q2: please refer handouts, lecture 13 and 14. Pages 50 - 60

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