
Monday, April 25, 2011

IT430 Assignment No. 2 solution

Assignment No. 02
Semester: Spring 2011
IT430 E-Commerce
Total Marks: 10 Due Date: 26/04/2011 Instructions Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting assignment:
It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:
Assignment is submitted after due date.
Submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt.
Assignment is copied.

Question# 1 (5)
Draw a table having 1 row and 3 columns. Put the following text in to each cell. “I am ‘your name (bc0000000)’ and studying in Virtual University of Pakistan. Virtual University is Pakistan's first University based completely on modern Information and Communication Technologies. The aim of Virtual University is to provide extremely affordable world class education to aspiring students all over the country.” Style the text of each cell using style sheet properties. First cell’s text should be justified. Second cell’s text should be aligned right. Third cell’s text should be centered.

Question# 2 (5)
Write the html code to show the text contained in boxes as shown below using Style Sheet Properties. The boxes are 200px wide. The second box has a height of 100px; padding from left is 10px, padding from right is 50px. The space between the two boxes is 10px. Note: Submit “.doc” file only. Copy your HTML codes of Question 1 and Question 2 in a single word file (You do not need to submit different html files). 

Send email at] for any assignment related query. Your work must be original. No marks will be given in case of cheating or copying from the internet or from any other student.

Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted on or before 26th April 2011.


Question No. 1

align: center">
“I am ‘your name (bc0000000)’ and studying in Virtual University of Pakistan. Virtual University is Pakistan's first University based completely on modern Information and Communication Technologies. The aim of Virtual University is to provide extremely affordable world class education to aspiring students all over the country.”

“I am ‘your name (bc0000000)’ and studying in Virtual University of Pakistan. Virtual
University is Pakistan's first University based completely on modern Information and
Communication Technologies. The aim of Virtual University is to provide extremely affordable
world class education to aspiring students all over the country.”

“I am ‘your name (bc0000000)’ and studying in Virtual University of Pakistan. Virtual
University is Pakistan's first University based completely on modern Information and
Communication Technologies. The aim of Virtual University is to provide extremely affordable
world class education to aspiring students all over the country.”

Question No.2

STYLE="padding-right: 50px ">
Your name


“I am ‘STUDENT NAME (101010101)’ and studying in Virtual University of Pakistan. Virtual
University is Pakistan's first University based completely on modern Information and
Communication Technologies. The aim of Virtual University is to provide extremely affordable world class education to aspiring students all over the country.”
“I am ‘STUDENT NAME (101010101)’ and studying in Virtual University of Pakistan. Virtual University is Pakistan's first University based completely on modern Information and Communication Technologies. The aim of Virtual University is to provide extremely affordable world class education to aspiring students all over the country.”
“I am ‘STUDENT NAME (101010101)’ and studying in Virtual University of Pakistan. Virtual University is Pakistan's first University based completely on modern Information and Communication Technologies. The aim of Virtual University is to provide extremely affordable world class education to aspiring students all over the country.”


VU ID: MC100200300

CS507 Assignment No. 2 solution

Assignment No. 02
Dated:  Apr 25, 11

Dear Students!
Please note that Assignment No. 02 of Information Systems( CS507 )has been uploaded. The due date to submit solution is 02-05-2011 (May 02, 2011).

All the instructions for solving assignment are there in assignment file. Please make sure, you read the instructions before attempting assignment and upload solutions before due date.



CRM stands for Customer Relationship management
Reasons for adopting CRM
• Customers now prefer to execute transaction in an electronic environment through online-trading.
Also the establishment of customer services centers has also removed the inconvenience to access vendor’s physical locations.
• Due to absence of physical contact, companies are curious to keep a soft touch in an efficient manner.
This requires keeping a customer-wise online track of past correspondence and transactions.
• CRM reduces cost of sales and distribution by
• Targeting advertising to customers to increase the probability that an offer is accepted.
• Using web applications to decrease the number of direct sales people and distribution channels needed
• Managing customer relationships rather than manage products (a change in marketing)
• CRM minimize customer support costs by
• Making information available to customer service representatives so they can answer any
Key CRM Tasks
• Customer Identification -- Identifying customer through
• Marketing channels,
• Transactions,
• Interactions overtime,
• Customer Differentiation – Segregating customers, with respect to.
• Their lifestyles
• Attitudes
• Perception about Co.’s products
• Customer Interaction – Efforts made to retain customers for long-term profitability and relationship.
• Customization / Personalization
“Treat each customer uniquely” is the motto of the entire CRM process. Through the personalization
process, the company can increase customer loyalty.

CRM Issues
• Customer Privacy
Customer privacy is an important issue in CRM. CRM deals with large amounts of customer data through various touch points and communication channels. The individual firm is thus caught in an ethical dilemma – collecting as much information as possible but still respecting limits for personal privacy.

• Software issues
There is little standardized technologies and protocols for CRM implementation in the market.

Vendors publish new versions of CRM software as frequently as they can thus adding to client’s expenses. CRM software requires highly integrated environment for high productivity, which is rarely available.

Sales Force Automation
It automates some of the company's critical sales and sales force management functions, for example,
• Customer account management,
• Forecasting sales,
• Sales administration,
• Keeping track of customer preferences,
• Sales staff performance.

For More HELP visit the following link

Mgt502 Assignment No. 1 announced

Semester “Spring 2011”
“Organization Behavior(MGT 502)”
Assignment No. 1 Marks: 20


Mr. Usman wishes to buy a new and expensive cellular phone. He searches internet, and consults with his friends and relatives to get some information about the latest models in the market. After one week, he decides to purchase Apple iPhone. While at the store, the salesman explains and proves that he can buy much better phone within the same budget if he goes for Black Berry Torch. Black Berry Torch gives better value for money with respect to performance, design, advance features and warranties. Relying on the available information, Mr. Usman finally decides to buy Apple iPhone.

In the light of above scenario answer the following questions.
Q.1: Identify and explain the decision making model being applied by Mr. Usman for the purchase of a new mobile. (10)
Q.2: In your opinion, what other decision making models can be applied by Mr. Usman for such purpose?(10)

Important Tips
1. This Assignment can be best attempted from the knowledge acquired after watching video lecture no. 1 to lecture no. 14 and reading handouts as well as recommended text book).
2. Video lectures can be downloaded for free from Online VU Lectures

Opening Date and Time
25th April , 2011 At 12:01 A.M. (Mid-Night)

Due Date and Time
29th April , 2011 At 11:59 P.M. (Mid-Night)

Note: Only in the case of Assignment, 24 Hrs extra / grace period after the above mentioned due date is usually available to overcome uploading difficulties which may be faced by the students on last date. This extra time should only be used to meet the emergencies and above mentioned due dates should always be treated as final to avoid any inconvenience.
Important Instructions:

Please read the following instructions carefully before attempting the assignment solution.

• Make sure that you upload the solution file before the due date. Noassignment will be accepted through e-mail once the solution has beenuploaded by the instructor.
Formatting guidelines:
• Use the font style “Times New Roman” and font size “12”.
• It is advised to compose your document in MS-Word 2003.
• Use black and blue font colors only.
Solution guidelines:
• Use APA style for referencing and citation. For guidance search “APAreference style” in Google and read various website containinginformation for better understanding or visit
• Every student will work individually and has to write in the form of ananalytical assignment.
• Give the answer according to question, there will be negative markingfor irrelevant material.
• For acquiring the relevant knowledge don’t rely only on handouts butwatch the video lectures and use other reference books also.
Rules for Marking
Please note that your assignment will not be graded or graded as Zero (0) if:
• It has been submitted after due date
• The file you uploaded does not open or is corrupt
• It is in any format other than .doc (MS. Word)
• It is cheated or copied from other students, internet, books, journals etc…

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