
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

IT430 - Ecommerce Assignment solution

Question : [10 Marks]
“In strategy assessment phase, you can learn from your mistakes and do your future planning”. Do you agree or not? Justify your reply precisely.

Can you provide a real world example taken form any reputed organization or at government level, in which a long term strategic plan was formulated? assessed
(Whether strategy was delivered?) and found many issues in it, they again formulate a new strategy or set of strategies in light of the company’s main objective or its mission
In strategy assessment phase, you can learn from your mistakes and do your future planning. Because, for the strategy assessment, you can conduct surveys, collect information and receive feedback from different groups of people coming from a variety of background. Using this information we can identity the problems and try to remove them by taking some preventive measures. Some of these corrective measures can be used further to properly train the team.

For any company the strategic planning process is done in three stages
1. Where are we and who are we?
Before doing anything, we have to have a thorough understanding our company’s potential and the environment that surrounds us.
2. Where do we want to be?
The second point we must define is what we want to do in the international market. We will therefore set the strategic objectives we intend to achieve in each market.
3. How are we going to get there?
Once we have decided where we want to go and what we want to do, we will have to study how to do it.
In addition to this company’s goals and policies must be kept in mind while developing the strategic plan for a company.
Now by various surveys done by meeting people or through a questionnaire or some other means like discussions in forums, blogs etc., the feedback will be known. Depending on the results obtained we should have a new understanding of the challenges we need to overcome. We should now have greater insights into the problems that are being faced and the events and issues behind them.
Hope this will help you to build and assess a strategy plan for a company !!!


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