
Monday, June 28, 2010

CS101 Assignment Idea Solution

Q.1 XYZ is an organization, wants to develop the network. Total numbers of computers are 7. Which topology is best suitable for the network? Justify your  answer. 4 Marks
Bus is a possible selection for networking of 7 computers due to following:
 No server required.
 If one node is down, the overall functionality of network is not affected.
 All computers can receive the message at same time and respond accordingly.

Q.2 If computer A wants to transmit the data to computer F, then 6 Marks
What condition should A satisfy?
What protocol should be used?
And how the data will transmit?

1st Part (Conditions): 
 Data transmission may be counter clockwise.
 Nodes should not fail during the process. 
2. 2nd Part (Protocol): 
 Sensing idle connection before data transmission.
 Re-send data if packet data is corrupted or lost. 
3. 3rd Part (Data transmission): 
 Data is transmitted by computer A and received by computer H.
 Computer H receives it and then re-sends it to next computer which is computer H.
 Computer H also receives it and finds it to be not related to computer
H. Therefore, it passes the data to next computer which is F.
 Computer F receives the data and processes it.

Please do make changes in these assignment otherwise every one who copy this assignment as it is will awarded zero marks 


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