
Saturday, July 3, 2010

CS101 Assignment # 5 Solution

Q.1 XYZ is an organization, wants to develop the network. Total numbers of computers are 7. Which topology is best suitable for the network? Justify your answer. 4 Marks
Bus is a possible selection for networking of 7 computers due to following:
 No server required.
 If one node is down, the overall functionality of network is not affected.
 All computers can receive the message at same time and respond accordingly.

Q.2 If computer A wants to transmit the data to computer F, then 6 Marks
What condition should A satisfy?
What protocol should be used?
And how the data will transmit?

1. 1st Part (Conditions):
 Data transmission may be counter clockwise.
 Nodes should not fail during the process.
2. 2nd Part (Protocol):
 Sensing idle connection before data transmission.
 Re-send data if packet data is corrupted or lost.
3. 3rd Part (Data transmission):
 Data is transmitted by computer A and received by computer H.
 Computer H receives it and then re-sends it to next computer which is computer H.
 Computer H also receives it and finds it to be not related to computer
H. Therefore, it passes the data to next computer which is F.
 Computer F receives the data and processes it.


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