
Friday, October 29, 2010

Mgt111 Assignment Solution

Assignment#1 (Mgt 111)
Civil Services have become the key wheels on which the entire engine of the state has to move. Hence the leaders for these services are drawn through the competitive examination. The officers thus appointed are bestowed with solemn responsibilities and are scheduled to hold the highest offices of the country.

Pakistan today needs young men and women, with qualities of both head and heart. To choose only such balanced individuals is the purpose of the civil services examination.
We discussed to the following points:-

ü Police Service of Pakistan
ü Foreign Service of Pakistan
ü Pakistan Audit & Accounts Services
ü Commerce & Trade Group

ü Railways Group

1) Polce Service Of Pakistan:-

The Police Service of Pakistan (PSP) is comprised of police officers selected through the Federal Public Service Commission Entry is at the level of Assistant Superintendent
of Police.
Under the old Police Act, the Police had many responsibilities. But with the enforcement of Police Order 2002, it has been given a leadership role alongwith lot more responsibilities and accountabilities. Every new posting is a challenge it is a never ending war against crime, social evils and every day problems of the people residing in a particular area.

2) Foreign Service Of Pakistan:-

Foreign Service of Pakistan was constituted on an ad hoc basis immediately on the birth of Pakistan. The Service was first given an executive fiat in a decision of the Federal Cabinet in July, 1948. A formal resolution constituting the service was announced in October 1952. It envisaged diplomatic posts in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in the Diplomatic and consular missions of Pakistan abroad. The resolution provided for the posts of (a) Secretary (1), (b) Joint Secretaries (2), (c) Deputy Secretaries (8), and (d) Under Secretaries (16) Posts for Pakistan Diplomatic Missions abroad provided for Ambassadors (17), High Commissioners (5), Ministers (4), Commissioners (1), Deputy High Commissioners (2), Counselors (15), First Secretaries (10), Second Secretaries (19), Third Secretaries (31), Consul General (3), Consul (4), and Vice Consul (7).

3) Pakistan Audit & Accounts Services:-

Pakistan Audit and Accounts Service operates under the constitution 1973, article 144 to 176, and is presently being run through Presidential Order No 23/2001.
The functions and powers of Auditor General Pakistan have been defined in the above mentioned order. The Auditor General enjoys a tenure posting of five years under the constitution. He is responsible to maintain accounts of the public sector organizations and is responsible to conduct audit of the same.

4) Commerce and Trade Group:-

Consequent upon the introduction of Administrative Reforms of 1973 aiming to create Civil Services of specialized nature and responsibility, the Trade Service of Pakistan (TSP) was changed into Commerce & Trade Group to administer Export Promotion Bureau, Office of the Chief Controller of Imports & Exports, National Tariff Commission, Trade Marks Registry and Department of Insurance. The posts of Commercial Secretary/Counsellor in Pakistani missions abroad have been kept open to all services, due to the fact that the Office Memorandum under which the Commerce & Trade Group was created did not mention these posts.

5) Railways Group:-

Pakistan Railways forms the life line of the country catering to all its needs for the large scale movement of freight as well as passenger traffic thereby contributing to economic growth and national integration.

Pakistan Railways is a multi-cadre/multi branch organization and can be dubbed as a mini-govt. For running a huge organization like that of Railways, various branches are serving to run the business smoothly. The Railways Commercial & Transportation (C&T) group plays the most important role as such it is the only cadre in Railways, inducted through CSS and is a part of Civil Services Academy Alumni C&T group is also called as operating and management department as it is solely responsible for the promotion of commercial business (freight & passenger) and for overall safety concerning train movement and operations.


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