
Sunday, February 13, 2011

CS101 Final Term Current Paper (Feb 2011)

CS101 Final Term Current Paper (Feb 2011)

1. Why we use string functions in JavaScript?
2. Explain function arguments with the help of an example?
3. Write the steps to sort an un-sorted list.
4. Discuss any two situations which show non-ethical behavior?
5. . Define the anchor tag with the help of example.
6. What are Trojan Horses ?
7. What Is the resturction to use in line in a function
8. Define anchor tag
9. Write down three advantages of using Functions in a program.
10. In JavaScript, what is event handling? What are the two types of events?
11. What is the mistake in the following coding

Student=new array(10)

Aik bhool gaya Question....... 40 Mcqs thae ... 12 S.Q

Another Paper:

Define the key weakness of the web?
How can we include images in a web page using HTML and Java script?
What is an intelligent system?
Write HTML and JavaScript code that displays a textbox and button on a web
page. When user enters text in the text box and click the button it displays that
text in the message box.
Briefly describe Holographic Storage.
Define Primary key and Queries
Diffentiate Local and Global Variables.


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