
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

CS504 Final Term Current Paper (Feb 2011)

CS504 Final Term Current Paper (Feb 2011)

Q1 Define modularity
Q2 Define Unit testing
Q3 What is the syntax used for naming objects in a sequence diagrams?
Q4 Define these terms: Branch Coverage, Statement Coverage.
Q5 Bit fields do suffer from a lack of portability between platforms. Why?
Q6 Consider the following Use Case diagram:
Identify the system actors in given use case diagram.
Q7 Why Special characters like TAB and page break must be avoided.? Explain
Q8 Write down at least two (3) guideline that can avoid hazards caused by side effects.
Q9 Discuss five points, how a "variable "is efficiently used in a program?
Q10 Differentiate between Black box testing and white box testing.
Q 11What do we mean by ambiguous requirements. Explain with the help of a example.
Q12 You have learnt about Static analyzers, What are static analyzers? Give a checklist for static analysis.

Another Paper:

40 mcqs
define unit testing(2)
GUI in srs (2)
self documenting code(2)s 
statements are given true and false batana tha (2)

3 rules of split lines (3)
how software differ from other engnrings (3)
define cohesion (3)
successful testing (3)

5 objectives of testing (5)
loop eroor bugs (5)
y complex expression should be broken down (5)


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